As of the 14th of October 2022, The NAV (Net Asset Value) is £497.44. This is the price of one share based on the price of the underlying investments.The fund is invested in 2,083 stocks, a highly diversified fund. There is no fee payable on entering and exiting the fund. The ongoing charge is the fee payable over a year.The risk factor is 5 out of scale of 1-7. 1 being low risk and 7 being high.
Figure 1 vanguard investor FTSE Developed World ex-U.K. Equity Index Fund
The FTSE Developed World ex-UK is an index that is composed of medium to large cap companies from developed markets excluding the United Kingdom. The fund looks to track the index by replicating the same investments as the weighted capital of the index. The fund will remain fully invested except in extraordinary markets/circumstances.
Past performance
The fund has posted net gains for four of the last five years.
Figure 2 vanguard investor FTSE Developed World ex-U.K. Equity Index Fund 5-year performance
A £10,000 investment at inception (June 2009) would be worth £48,409.36 as of September 2022.
Figure 3 vanguard investor FTSE Developed World ex-U.K. Equity Index Fund £10,000 invested
This greatly outstrips the rate of inflation according to the Hargreaves Lansdown Inflation Calculator. The cost of goods over this period would have grown by 62.7% with an annual average of 3.8%. This is compared to the fund increase of 384.09% over the same period.
Figure 3 Hargreaves Lansdown inflation calculator
Invested stocks (top 5)
Figure 4 top 5 stocks
For more information about the US FAANG stock, click here
Invested Regions
The fund is weighted towards the United States with the top 5 stocks being in the American technology sector.
Figure 5 invested sectors
If your portfolio is heavily invested in the United Kingdom, you might consider a weighted investment in theFTSE Developed World ex-U.K. Equity Index Fund.This would offer diversification to some of the world's heavyweights, especially in the US technology sector.
For more information about available Pepperstone CFD ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), click here.
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